Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lying Lester Strongly Opposes Employee Wage Theft

Being conservative in matters of business, I Lying Lester believe that in the employee-employer relationship, the contract is sacrosanct. In deference to the Job Creators, however, adherence to said employee-employer contract should, in my strong opinion, be primiarly a one-way street.

Specifically I'm thinking of recent accusations of the "theft" of contractually agreed upon wages. I say employees should shut the hell up if they have a suspicion that their employer is doctoring the timesheets, or by some other method not paying the employee for all hours worked.

I mean, these workers should be grateful to have a job at all! A business needs to make a profit to stay in business, and what with the unconstitutional minimum wage being forced upon them by greedy and pandering Liberals, Makers have to do what's necessary to make sure their businesses don't go under.

That is not a worry of the greedy employee, of course, which is why they cry foul when they aren't paid what the employer "agreed" to pay them. How about a little flexibility in gratitude for your job? It's the employer's responsibility, after all, to make sure they make enough profit to stay in business so the responsibility-free employee can collect their paycheck.

Frankly I find the entire "wage theft" concept to be bogus. It's like the lIberals are saying "damn those corporations for creating jobs, the gall of them!" It only makes sense that, if an employer looks at the books and determines that an employee's labor brought in less profit for them (during the pay-period in question), then HELL YES the employer should be able to adjust down the employee's wages.

By the way, if the employer looks at the books and determines that the employee's labor generated MORE profit than normal, then the wage of the employee should NOT be adjusted up. Remember what I said about the one-way street? I am inclined to think, however, that this wage-adjusting-based-on-profit-generated scenario should apply to low-skilled workers only, and not high-skilled workers such as myself.

If you're low-skilled you should be grateful simply to have a job and accept whatever wage the employer decides you're worth, IMO. You're obviously an idiot, or you wouldn't have a low-skill job, right? So I say the low-skilled workers should leave the determination of how much their labor is worth up to their betters and stop whining about "wage theft".

Keep the government bureaucrats out of it as well. And by that I mean get rid of the minimum wage and all the regulations that depress the profits of our job creators. Truly it sickens me when I see the USSA (United SOCIALIST States of America), being pushed by Progressive Takers everywhere.

In all honesty, I believe that "wage theft" occurs when a job creator is forced to pay a minimum wage, or even an "agreed" upon wage. An employer should be able to pay an employee whatever they determine the employee's labor was worth during the time worked. This is just common sense! Not doing so equates to the employee stealing from the employer, and this is why Lying Lester considers employee wage theft the REAL problem.

Allow our job creators to create jobs and quite piling on the burdens, "pRogressives"! Trust me (as someone who is considerably more intelligent that you), I know it would work. We need to get government out of the way and we'll all be better off.

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